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Biocontrol: Its future in Pest and Disease control

There has been an exponential increase in the number of pests and diseases affecting various crops and causing a decrease in their production. Plant pathogens, such as insects, nematodes, fungi, bacteria or viruses, can quickly develop resistance to the different agrochemicals used to control them, thus making them more difficult to eliminate. For this reason, for several years now, alternatives to agrochemicals have been sought in order to adequately control phytopathogens affecting crops.

Biocontrol solutions have appeared, which represent an alternative to products derived from chemical synthesis. The use of these products aims to develop sustainable agriculture, with maximum quality in production, low or zero induction of resistance to fungi and insects and, without residue.

At Asfertglobal, we remain committed to meeting our innovation objectives in the natural solutions market and attentive to our clients' needs, in this sense, we have developed Microil.

With Microil, we offer a highly effective solution for different crops: Microil's constituent oils allow an action at the level of the insects' cell wall and cell membrane, leading to their inhibition. Thus, it has a proven action against insects such as Mites, Thrips, Whitefly and Lice.

Microil also proves to be effective against certain fungi such as Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, for this reason it is also considered to have fungicidal activity.

The special formulation, in the form of Microemulsion, developed by Asfertglobal and present in Microil allows a phased release of the active compounds, making the formulation more stable and effective.

This technology also favours the homogeneity of the distribution and adherence of the spray mixture, which increases the persistence of the solution in the crops and therefore reduces crop losses and increases yield and crop quality. 

This is a pioneering product, based on various tests on different crops, which covers the needs of farmers, without residues and without creating resistance in the plant. The effectiveness of this solution has already been highly tested, and we present here the results of two trials carried out by certified entities. 

Efficacy of Microil on the control of thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) on the tomato crops

Trial carried out in Montemor-o-Velho, Portugal, by Anadiag on tomatoes greenhouse, to evaluate the agronomic efficacy of Microil. The trial consisted of 2 modalities and 4 repetitions, with 2 applications of Microil (7 days apart), at a foliar dose of 3l/ha.

Graf. 1 — Total number of adults per plot

After the second application, Microil showed a 94% better result than the control plot, with the advantage of Microil being a solution of natural origin without residue.

Microil efficacy trial in Powdery Mildew control on greenhouses zucchini

Trial carried out in Torres Vedras, Portugal, by Soilvitae in greenhouse zucchini, to evaluate the agronomic efficacy of Microil. The trial was conducted with 2 modalities and 4 repetitions, with 2 foliar applications at 1-week intervals at a dose of 3 l/ha.

Graf. 2 — Percentage of infected plants.

Microil allowed Powdery Mildew to occur at a lower incidence on the plants, with reductions by about half compared to the Control. Plants treated with Microil had a lower incidence of powdery mildew than the control plants, with statistical differences at several sampling times.

closer to the customer
We entered the Asian market

We took another step in our ambitious internationalization plan by entering the Chinese market.

Our biological solutions have led the international expansion to this large market, guaranteeing efficiency and sustainability in production. Aiming to lead the Asian biofertilizer market, Asfertglobal's ambition is to expand, in the short term, to South Korea and Thailand, reinforcing our position in this market of great strategic importance.

Conference in Almeria

Last 10 June, we organized a training session in the Almeria area, together with farmers and technicians from the various distributors in the area.

This is considered the province with the highest concentration of greenhouses in the world, covering an area of 50,000 hectares, and where around 1.5 million tonnes of vegetables are grown annually.

The theme of the training session was biofertilizers and biocontrol solutions specifically suitable for each of the region's crops.

OMRI Certification

We have obtained OMRI certification for the product CUPERDEM OMRI certification determines which products can be used in organic farming, especially in two very important markets for Asfertglobal, the USA and Mexico.

customer experience
Pedro Martinho, farmer in the Oeste region, Portugal, applied Microil to combat strawberry spider mites (Tetranychus telarius)

The mites that affect strawberry crops (Tetranychus telarius), known as spider mites, live preferentially on the underside of the leaves and have a great capacity to multiply in favourable environmental conditions such as high temperatures and low relative humidity.

When not controlled correctly, the mites can reduce fruit production by about 80%, and when in high densities, can shorten the production cycle of the crop. 

Foto de cliente

Pedro Martinho, strawberry farmer

Pedro Martinho is a strawberry farmer, with an area of 15ha, where he produces the Portola, Fortuna and San Andreas varieties. He applied Microil to combat the mites, on the plots of the Fortuna variety. Two sprays were made on this plot at a concentration of 250ml/100l of water, 5 days apart.

After the 2nd application, he achieved a very considerable elimination of the pest in his crop. He also states that "In addition to eliminating the mites, Microil has the great advantage of being a solution without residue, which allows me to pick strawberries without restrictions and to offer my customer a quality and more natural product".

Rua Nova da CEE, Perofilho
2005-008 Várzea, Santarém - Portugal
Tel.:+351 243 779 431 - info@asfertglobal.com