Kiplant AllGrip is a biofertilizer composed of Phosphorus solubilizing microorganisms, producers of phytohormones and extra-cellular enzymes.

Kiplant AllGrip is involved in many metabolic pathways of the plant due to the large amount of bio-transformed Phosphorus that its compounds release from the soil to the plant. Kiplant AllGrip microorganisms produce several enzymes, such as acid and alkaline phosphatases, phytases (which hydrolise the phytate, one of the organic types of Phosphorus more common in vegetables tissues) and esterase’s related with the degradation of phospholipids.

The microorganisms present in Kiplant AllGrip are very active in increasing plant nutrient efficiency, so it is a product with a direct stimulating action in the growth and in the productivity of many crops.

Kiplant iNmass is a biofertilizer composed by microorganisms that has the capacity to fix Nitrogen, produce phytohormones and decompound the organic matter of the soil.
Kiplant iNmass increase the production of phytohormones, such as Indol -3-Acetic Acid (IAA), that has an important action in the formation of laterals roots, in the cell division stimulation and the elongation of the roots and stem.

Kiplant ACTAZYM due to the synergies between the nutrients in its composition, increases plant growth and the physiological resistance in adverse growth conditions.

Mycoshell accelerates early plant growth, reduces post-transplant stress, increases plant nutrients uptake and confers resistance in situations that can slow plants development and unbalance their metabolism.

Mycoshell increases the volume of soil exploited by the plant facilitating the absorption of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and water.

Mycoshell TRAY: Special formulation for sowing trays

Mycoshell DRIPPER: For fertigation

Mycoshell TABS: For use in plantation hole

Kiplant Awaken Maize a technological solution based on microorganisms, which accelerates the development of seeds and ensures stronger and healthier roots.

Special Formulation for Maize.

Kiplant Awaken Sunflower a technological solution based on microorganisms, which accelerates the development of seeds and ensures stronger and healthier roots.

Special Formulation for Sunflower.

Kiplant Endofit is a microbial inoculant composed of the unique strain of Bacillus velezensis BS36, isolated using the latest Omic Technologies, which promotes a balance between beneficial and antagonistic microorganisms.


Kiplant Metacare is a broad spectrum foliar biofungicide that effectively controls Botrytis cinerea, Stemphylium spp. and Monilia spp.

The Bacillus amyloliquefaciens AH2 strain rapidly colonizes the plant, competing for space and nutrients while producing siderophores that sequester iron – an essential element for the development of pathogens – thereby reducing their population.

In addition, the metabolites produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens AH2 stimulate the plant’s natural defenses by activating the salicylic acid and jasmonic acid cycles, thus increasing resistance to future pathogen attack.

KIPLANT VS-04 is a solution with direct action in the defense of plants against abiotic stresses, while favoring several enzyme reactions, allowing an optimization of the development and growth processes of the plants, resulting in greater productivity.


Microil presents preventive and curative activity against aggressions caused by biotic agents.

Due to the formation of a microemulsion, it improves the homogeneity of distribution and adherence of the spray mixture, increasing the effectiveness of other products applied in combination.


ASFRUIT due to high Potassium concentration stimulates the development of support plant tissue, inducing a greater resistance to drought, allowing a gradual and uniform fruit development. ASFRUIT is formulated to improve fruit quality, focusing on important aspects such as size, colour, brightness, consistency and brix degree.

ASPRIM P20 promotes floral induction and promotes a several synergisms between macro and micronutrients essential in the early pre-bloom and bloom stages.
Due to its high concentration in Phosphorus is especially recommended for the demanding stages of the vegetative cycle, such as bloom and fruit setting. The Boron, Zinc and Molybdenum are essential for cell division.

CUPERDEM is a Copper solution designed for foliar and drip irrigation application with an easy penetration through the plant. Among different effects and agronomic benefits, the highlights are its action in the enzymatic processes and photosynthesis, giving the plant more resistance.

FORALG BMo is characterized by an excellent bioactivity and nourishing action, it stimulates cell division, activates the plant growth processes and regulates the transport of nutrients. FORALG BMo is particularly suited to promote all the physiological processes related with the quality and quantity of the yields.

ENERMAX is a product designed to enhance and standardize the size of the fruits, promotes cell division and redirect nutrients from leaves, stem and root to the fruit.
The simultaneous application of all nutrients presents in ENERMAX, as well as its immediate absorption, meet the higher energy needs that characterize the development of the plants, avoiding situations of stress and / or deformation of the fruit.

KALENGOR allows for a better control of the plant in the evapotranspiration phase, and allows an increase in the translocation of water and nutrients to the fruit, resulting in a significant benefit to the level of fruit caliber.

ECKOSIL acts in the plant in two entirely different effects, nutrient and water absorption regulation (anti hydric-stress action) and mechanical protection against external aggressions. ECKOSIL has the property to absorb surface moisture from plants, increasing plant resistance to several abiotic factors, such as high and low temperatures, drought, wind and high concentrations of salts.

Kiplant Essence promotes the reduction of the humidity of the plant’s surface, due to its special formulation it improves the homogeneity of distribution and adherence of the spray mixture, increasing the effectiveness of other products applied in combination.


Kiplant INDUCER is a product developed for the interruption of dormancy in fruit species, stimulates the anticipation of the bud breaking and blooming uniformity.


Kiplant Reprise induces a systemic acquired resistance (SAR), which extends over time, providing a long-lasting resistance against different pathogens, such as nematodes, root diseases and bacteria.

SAR develops in uninfected parts of the plant; therefore, Kiplant Reprise makes the whole plant more resistant to possible future infections.

ORISTART improves the soil structure and helps the rhizosphere development, stimulate the synthesis of new roots which also contributes to a higher quality yield.

PROMVEG increases the metabolic processes of amino acids production from Nitrogen, stimulates plant growth by providing faster synthesis of its own proteins, favouring vegetative overcoming from interruptions caused by “stress” environment, such as frost, root asphyxiation, prolonged period of drought and hail.

PROXIGEN provides a safe and balanced absorption of the Nitrogen element, has also direct action at enzymatic and photosynthetic levels, which results in higher yields with no residue and better quality.

RIZOGEN reduces the time needed for the growth of secondary roots, acting as bio-active energy for root growth. RIZOGEN action is mainly related to the improvement of the rhizosphere, increasing root development and soil microbial activity.

SYNTOP is a Copper solution enriched by microelements, that penetrates easily and due to its characteristics is easily propagated throughout the entire plant. Among several effects and agronomic benefits of SYNTOP stands out the action at the enzymatic processes and photosynthesis levels, giving the plant a greater physiological resistance.


AMINOFLOW increases all the physiological processes related with root development, acting at the same time in the very positive way in the microbial life of the soil. Its special recommended in fertigation of young plantations, when is needed a quick initial development, especially after stages that the weather conditions are adverse.

ASFLOW 30F contains organic matter and the Fulvic Acids that are immediately absorbed and used in cells biosynthesis process, the plants restoring the nutritional balance, activates growth and root development.

BIOGEO is a product based in organic Nitrogen and Potassium obtained by the molecular combination between the organic substances and the mineral elements, resulting in a high performance NK complex.

The elements that compound the GEOPLANT Line products act at soil level allowing it to function as “storage,” its reduction action convert the nutrients that are easily absorbed by the root system of the plant.

CALCIGEO is a product based on Calcium recommended for fertigation, the synergistic combination of Calcium and Boron, promotes the translocation of the Calcium, making this element more effective and mobile inside the plant.

GEOPHOS is a product based on Phosphorus recommended for fertigation, the synergistic combination of Phosphorus and Magnesium promotes Phosphorus translocation, making this element more effective and mobile inside the plant.

GEO-K is the combination between the molecular organic substances and mineral element, resulting in high-performance potassium. The special formula of Potassium present in GEO-K results in a very effective fertilizer at the end of the growing cycle, favours the fruit maturation and resistance to water stress.

HUMIFLOW is a high concentrated solution of Humic Acids from leonardite that improve soil structure. In sandy soils HUMIFLOW reduces the loss of nutrients and water, in heavy and compacted soils improves air circulation.

Kiplant Solevure is a soil revitalizer made with 100% natural substances valued within the concept of circular economy, which act as prebiotics, enhancing the native microbial flora of the soil.

REDUSAL reduce problems related with the accumulation of toxic salts from irrigation water and / or fertilizers. REDUSAL provides the exchange of the Sodium ion by Calcium ion in the clay-humus complex, restoring soil structure and correcting “locking” situations.


ASBORO is a complexed formula developed to act as an effective Boron source and control deficiencies in this mineral element. By focusing directly on the germination of pollen grains, it favours the fruit set, increases and facilitates the transport of sugars inside the plant.

ASFER ST6 is a formulation with Iron of fast and effective absorption prepared for foliar and root application. ASFER ST6 has great efficacy in the treatment of chlorosis produced by the lack of Iron assimilation, due mainly to the negative effect of calcareous soil on its assimilation.

KELAMIX is a liquid combination of micronutrients that remains stable under alkaline medium and waters high in bicarbonates. The root application of KELAMIX must match the moments of maximum development of the plant, it’s also recommended to correct deficiencies in intensive crops.

The macro and micronutrients from Kiplant line are formulated with ITM complex which has complexing action and high translocation effect, optimizing the nutrient assimilation. The products that make up the Kiplant line are: Kiplant Ca, Kiplant Mn, Kiplant Mg, Kiplant Zn, Kiplant Zn/Mn, Kiplant KCA, Kiplant Triple, Kiplant Cz, Kiplant PKZ and Kiplant Biocab.

Kiplant Ca is a specific product based in Calcium and Boron for foliar application that allows an increased Calcium penetrability at critical stages of absorption, such as cell division and maturation of the fruits.

Kiplant Mn is a specific product for foliar application, formulated for the prevention and treatment of physiological disorders caused by deficiency and / or difficulties of Manganese assimilation by the plants.

Kiplant Mg is a specific product for foliar application, formulated for the prevention and treatment of physiological disorders caused by deficiency and /or difficulties of Magnesium assimilation by the plants.

Kiplant Zn is a specific product for foliar application, formulated for the prevention and treatment of physiological disorders caused by deficiency and / or difficulties of Zinc assimilation by the plants.

Kiplant Zn/Mn is a specific product for the prevention and treatment of physiological disorders caused by deficiency and /or difficulties of Zinc and Manganese by the plant.

KIPLANT KCA contains a high concentration of Calcium and Potassium fully complexed, with a greater and faster absorption by the plants. KIPLANT KCA contributes to avoid imbalances with other elements (Phosphorus and Nitrogen) in critical stages. Calcium has an important action in the conservation and consistency of fruits, increasing its organoleptic properties, as also its average weight and consistency of the pulp. Potassium focuses directly on crop quality, increasing sugar content and has an essential role in plant water balance due to stomata regulation.

KIPLANT TRIPLE is a specific product for the prevention and treatment of physiological disorders caused by deficiency and / or difficulties of Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc assimilation by the plants. KIPLANT TRIPLE provides the amount of Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc necessary for the most demanding phases of the plant, particularly in moments of increased vegetative growth. In Kiplant TRIPLE Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc are present in the correct proportions and forms, in order to ensure a perfect assimilation and migration within the plant.

Kiplant CZ is a specific product for the prevention and treatment of physiological disorders caused by deficiency and /or uptake difficulties of Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium and Boron by the plant.

Kiplant CZ prevents premature defoliation in fruit trees.

Kiplant Blush is a specific product for foliar application that provides Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc that allows an increase of fruit dry matter and the content in anthocyanins and carotenoids.

Kiplant Biocab contains a high concentration of Calcium which provides an increase of Calcium penetrability in critical stages of absorption as cellular division and ripening.

MAXIBLEND is a specific combination of chelated micronutrients with quick and complete absorption by the plants that is stable in alkaline medium and in irrigation water with high level of bicarbonates.

MOLIPLANT is a specific product for foliar application, formulated for the prevention and treatment of physiological disorders caused by deficiency and /or difficulties of Molybdenum assimilation by the plants.

ORTOQUEL Fe is a solid Iron chelate, chelated by EDDHA with a high percentage of ortho-ortho isomer. Due to its high stability, this molecular structure determines the quality of any Iron chelate. The higher the ortho-ortho content, the greater is the effectiveness of the product regarding the quick answer after application and in its persistence.

OXIMON is a specific fertilizer that promotes the premature leaf fall in deciduous species, anticipating the dormancy stage. OXIMON favour maturation of the wood, the combination of Copper and Manganese with organic base is the most appropriate and effective for this purpose.

S-PROGEN line consists in several complexed formulas, in addition to the principal fertilizers elements (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) contains the main micronutrients in chelated form. With the S-PROGEN line we reach to assist and support the diverse growth stages of the crops, ensuring productivity with high level of quality.

S-PROGEN First due its high concentration of Phosphorus and Potassium is especially suitable for its application during the bloom and fruit setting, phase of the vegetative cycle with high demanding and high nutritional consumption.

S-PROGEN Growth due its high concentration of Nitrogen is especially suitable for the higher vegetative growth stages, contributing for the increase of the leaf mass resulting in a great and uniform development for the crops.

S-PROGEN Size due to the Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium balance is especially suitable for the expansion and cell division, thus contributes in a vegetative development harmonious with the simultaneous action in the level of organoleptic characteristics of the fruits.

S-PROGEN Finisher it’s recommended for the final phase of the vegetative cycle, due its high concentration in Potassium it stimulates the structural tissues of plant cells, also increasing the plant resistance in situations of high evapotranspiration.


Kiplant HB15 is a metabolic activator of Kiplant Inducer. It’s recommended to apply Kiplant HB15 in combination with Kiplant Inducer it provides an additional supplement of Nitrogen and Calcium to the crops.

N-CLEANER is a product with inhibitor and dispersant action on the substances deposited on leaves surface which have lipid and sugar origin. N-CLEANER is stable in any pH what allows to be mixed with most used phytosanitary products without any phytotoxicity risk and reducing the probability of dehydration of vegetables tissues.

NORMASIL Plus low and regulates the pH of the alkaline water used in plant protection treatments, avoiding alkaline hydrolysis that leads to the quick degradation of the active substance.

DRY-TS is a mineral Nitrogen fertilizer with high Sulphur content which makes it ideal as source of Sulphur for the crops, either alone or in combination with other formulations. In apple orchards with abundant flowering DRY-TS have a beneficial selection action.

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